Sheephorn Village

1. Entrance to
2. Entrance to Forgotten Forest
3. Entrance to Gale Desert
4. Arch and Mouse Bobo (quests: Bobo the rat & finding Movis)
5. Healer: Little Nurse Penny, Little Nurse Yummy and Little Nurse Janet
6. Jaston's House
7. Browson's House inside: Brandson
8. Store
9. TP to Goldburg, Rainbow, Bluebird
10. NPC Perro (21:75)
Level Range:
Shining Crow - 47 - 50
Jungle Floating Sword - 46 - 50
Flame Scarecrow - 46 - 50
Drops: Rhino Skin, Rainbow Wood, Fine Wool, Sea Eal, Pet Sweet Candy
Updates by: Moiraine, ICatchPets, Blingbling and Delvina