Bluebird Palace Underground 1 & 2

Bluebird Palace Underground Level 1

Palace Underground

1. Entrance to Bluebird 2. Entrance to Bluebird Palace Underground Level 2
3. Blockade head down middle of map 4. Stairs, not used at this time.
5. Teleporters one on the left side one on the right side are not used at this time.
Level Range:
Light Vulture - 21 - 25
Black Widow - 21 - 25

Drops: Cow skin, mutton, poplar, shrimp, beef, cotton.

Bluebird Palace Underground Level 2

Palace Underground

1. Entrance to Bluebird Palace Underground Level 1 2. Sky Crawler
3. Teleporter to the top Left marked as 3 4. Teleporter to the top Right marked as 4
5. Teleporter to the top middle right marked as 5 6. Teleports you to the top middle left marked as 6
Level Range:
Fire Snake - 26 - 30
Earth Monkey - 26 - 30
Note: Sky Crawler (Slug) - Level 50
Drops: Carp, mutton, dipsacus, rice, golden herb, iron gauntlets.